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Home >> Getting Informed >> Laser Liposuction
Laser Liposuction

You're feeling grumpy and lumpy,fretting about those stubborn pockets of fat that don't budge despite your dutiful workouts and healthy diet.Then,suddenly,the commercial on the car radio catches your ear.Why not laser away that fat, just blast it out of your life,quickly and painlessly?
Laser Liposuction — or more accurately, laser-assisted liposuction, was first introduced in 2007.

What Is Laser Liposuction?

Laser liposuction is one of many advances in liposuction surgery, which is now the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States as well as other countries.
Laser-assisted liposuction uses laser energy. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, or sedation anesthesia, depending on the amount of fat that will be removed.
The concept is simple: Lasers heat the fat, turning it semi-soft and making it easier to remove via liposuction.
Just as in traditional liposuction, fluid — a mixture of saline and local anesthetic — is put under the skin in the area where the fat is to be vacuumed out.
Collagen is the main structural protein found in skin, but its production slows with advancing age. The laser energy can heat skin cells, stimulating the production of collagen and improving the skin's appearance. Lasers can also coagulate small blood vessels in the area, which translates to less bruising.
The risks of laser lipo include all the risks of traditional liposuction. Added to these are the potential for skin burns and fat necrosis (death of fat cells). Laser liposuction does have its fair share of critics. Many a board-certified plastic surgeon will tell you that it's just a gimmick that adds little to the effects of traditional liposuction, besides expense. The skeptics are quick to point out that there is no scientific evidence that laser lipo improves outcomes, tightens skin or speeds recovery.

Are You a Laser Lipo Candidate?

Chances are, yes. If you have mild to moderate amounts of excess fat and skin laxity, the technique may work for you. Skin tends to become lax after about age 35.
If you are about 20 percent overweight or less, you are probably a good candidate. The procedure is not a solution for obesity. If you are in good physical condition and have good muscle tone, you will likely respond very well to laser liposuction because your muscle tone provides underlying support for the tissues.
Laser lipo can be used on many areas, including the thighs, abdomen, arms, knees, face, neck and the back fat rolls. It's also useful in treating gynecomastia (excess male breast tissue), or ''man breasts."

Results of Laser Liposuction

After the procedure, you will likely notice a better silhouette and profile in the treated areas. Results can be noticeable after a week with laser liposuction, while traditional liposuction can take two to four weeks. The results may be more immediate with laser lipo because the fat removal is reported to be less traumatic. Besides a reduction in the amount of fat, you can hope for some improvement in skin tightness. Advocates consider this a plus over traditional liposuction. It may be several weeks to months before you notice the skin changes, because it takes time for the body to produce new collagen. It is the new collagen that gives the skin a tighter-looking appearance.
The bruising can be less because lasers can coagulate small blood vessels.
Swelling should be expected and your doctor may order a compression garment be worn for a variable period of time.
You can expect to be back to your normal non-strenuous activities in three to five days, depending on what advice your doctor gives you. Strenuous exercise should be put off for three or four weeks, typically. Ask your surgeon for specific advice

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